Monday, November 14, 2005

And a Nod to The Anvil....

It is indeed National Lighten Up and Loosen Up Day.

Praise God and pass the cranberry sauce. Although I am rather partial to Sarah's version: "National Let-It-Fucking-Go-Already Day"

So in the spirit of the holiday I am NOT sending that email, people. She can spew and she can talk to herself and answer herself and look like the ass she is. I'd say "she's dead to me" but damn if she isn't gonna rise up out of that grave like some zombie who cannot be killed. Yea. I'm letting it fucking go already.....


Elaine said...

Aw, man, I would have LOVED to have seen her response to it. Would have been fun to watch her sputter.

I'm sure you'll have another opportunity very soon.

Nancy D. said...


Tomorrow is another day.....

Anonymous said...

I have been checking this blog since early afternoon to see when you would get around to posting about this. I like it!

Sue said...

Some people don't know when to quit while they are ahead.

And some see a fire and can't wait to flame it. My favorite part is when their posse rides in to stir the pot up even more.

No, wait, my favorite is when they answer the same post twice, right in a row!

Wait,, it's when they expend energy pointing out how rude someone else is, all the while proving that they are, in fact, the total fool.

Yeah, I'm letting it go, too. Because actually, ignorant stupid woman make me sick.


Nancy D. said...

Dear Sue,

Shut UP!



Sue said...

See, and THAT'S why I love Nancy.

Though that is the 2nd time this week you've told me to shut up.


Martha in CA said...


Hey!! The phone is's her Village...

Anonymous said...

Awww... honey. I'm so sorry. I wouldn't wish stuff like this on my worst enemy.. WAIT, my worst enemy DOES stuff like this.

So I wish you strength. And we're all keeping you safe in the meantime.

And GA is NOT that far from H'ville, you know..