Saturday, July 16, 2005

Why am I afraid?

AM I afraid? I don't know..... But Harry and the Half-Blood Prince is sitting three feet away from me and I don't want to open it.

How strange.

No. We didn't go at midnight last night. We got home from Comedy in the Park at nearly 11 and we were just too pooped to go. Kaitlyn is still at SSP so SHE wasn't itching to go. Emma didn't care. Two more are arriving by Owl Post all three HP fans in the house can have a personal copy.

Last time, we got our books at midnight and spent the ENTIRE day reading. I finished it. Kaitlyn took another day. Norm took a few days. So I know I'm not intimidated by a nice thick book.

I've been looking forward to this. But it's kinda like once I start, I will be one book away from the very end. I'm almost wondering if I want to wait until #7 is published.... can I wait another two years? Hmmmmm.......

There he sits. Harry and Dumbledore looking into some sort of vessel that is glowing green....

Who IS the Half Blood Prince? (don't tell me!!!) Strange strange strange...... I would've thought I'd been half way through by now.

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