Thursday, July 14, 2005

Be Careful Out There

Emma and I witnessed a car accident today. Not our own. Could have been our own had the van without brakes (either not available or not used...effect is the same) had chose OUR lane instead of the lane next to us. Nary a skid mark laid down......

We stuck around for about 30 minutes so I could give my statement to the police. The vehicle that was hit was from the Water Service. Water Service personnel responded before the police. Hazmat probably had to come to clean up the fluids, no doubt.

I drive like a maniac, to be sure. We've all had our heart pounding stops just in time. But come on people.... be in CONTROL. And quit tailgating ME when I'm creeping along the Boulevard cause the speed limit IS 25mph and the potholes are gonna send you and me both flying if we hit one at YOUR speed.

And if YOU see an matter how minor....STOP. If you can't stay, give the drivers your information so they can call you later for a statement. You'd want them to do that for you when some shmuck rear ends YOU while you're just waiting for the red light to go green. All those people in all those cars in that intersection? Yea....well, maybe I won't stop for YOUR accident. Nah.... I will. I can't help it.....

Discovery.... same sentiments as yesterday for Saturday. Or whenever you fly again....

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