Thursday, January 12, 2006

Cause Steph asked nice....

Four jobs you've had in your life: Cashier at The Hardware Store, Hostess at Cafe Orleans, Cashier at The Emporium (those are two DIFFERENT jobs... it counts even if they were both at Disneyland), Map Librarian for The State of California Lands Commission.

Four movies you could watch over and over: Say Anything, Top Gun, Raiders of the Lost Ark, any Harry Potter

Four places you've lived: Madera, Walnut Creek, Tustin, Sacramento

Four TV shows you love to watch: CSI (all of them), That 70's Show, Two and a Half Men, local news

Four places you've been on vacation: Cancun, Alaska, Disneyland and Central Texas in a Big White Van

Four websites you visit daily: SS, all those blogs listed over there ->, My Yahoo, Random links from blogs and My Yahoo

Four of your favorite foods: Sourdough Bread, Crab, Scallops, authentic Italian (gee... maybe my San Francisco roots are showing??)

Four places you'd rather be: At home, on a cruise, on a beach, anywhere warm.

Four albums you can't live without: Albums? ALBUMS? I don't have albums. I have tunes. No albums.

Four magazines you read: Magazines that come into my house: People, Sacramento Magazine, Creating Keepsakes, Lasting Moments. READ is another matter.....

Four cars you've owned: 72 Impala, 95 Camry, 2002 New Beetle, 2003 New Beetle

Four people to do this meme: Normy, Jean, Jennifer, Marfy


Anonymous said...

Did you forget you lived in San Francisco - I did catch the S.F. roots thing. And, I'm sure you meant to forget all those trips to Canada.

Nancy D. said...

I could only list FOUR.

Had to pick and choose....

Jean said...

LOL...That's not the kind of ALBUMS I thought it meant. The navy one, the cranberry one, the eggplant one with the medallion on the front...